E-CATALOGUE – You can find more information about our products.

Thousands of our products have been working in the sawmill factories in Turkey and various regions of the world designed by over 60 years of experience satisfying maximum customer needs by their high quality and the capacity with USTUNKARLI assurance.

We provide standard or custom designs for your needs, debarking lines, sorting lines, timber or log cross cut lines, waste conveyors, turnkey log sawing line projects by our qualified, experienced and expertised R&D and technical service staff.

Our company gives great importance to the service and that is why we offer our customers a service in terms of training and complete after-sales service which is reflected as follows

  • Inclined Log Band Saw & Log Carriages

  • Tandem Vertical Band Saws

  • Vertical Band Resawing Machines

  • Rollers Feeding Single Spindle Multiple Rip Saws

  • Pallet Chain Feeding Single Spindle Multiple Rip Saws UDKP_100

  • Pallet Chain Feeding Single Spindle Multiple Rip Saws UDKP_160

  • Pallet Chain Feeding Double Spindle Multiple Rip Saws